These questions are designed to initiate conversations about what it means to be a winner—thinking outside of the box on the concept. Discussion provides opportunities for students to think through emotions and actions. The discussion provides a way to apply the affirmation to each of the five core competencies of social and emotional learning.

We provide the idea-starters with the intent that teachers can develop creative variations to adapt to age-appropriate use for their students.

SEL Discussion Resource: I AM A WINNER


  • Write or say the affirmation together: I am a winner!
  • What feelings/emotions do you experience when you win something?
  • We can’t always win at everything. Describe how it feels to come in second place or even last.


  • What kind of self-talk does a winner use?
  • If you try super hard and you don’t win, how can you calm your emotions and control your reactions?
  • Describe how doing your best is winning even if you don’t take first place or receive a prize.

Responsible decision-making

  • Why is cheating or not playing by the rules in order to win not really winning?
  • Let’s imagine you’re running a race and winning by an inch. Your opponent is about to pass you, but they trip, fall, and get hurt. What do you do?

Social awareness

  • When you win, you deserve to celebrate! But it’s good to be aware of others. Discuss how someone else might feel if they didn’t win but you did.
  • List some of the ways you can be a winner when it comes to being a good friend.
  • List some of the ways you can be a winner when it comes to showing kindness to others.

Relationship skills

  • What are some helpful things to say to someone else after they win? (Good game, you did a great job, way to go, you gave me a good challenge)
  • What are some helpful things to do when someone else wins even if you’re disappointed you didn’t? (high five, shake hands, walk away if you need a moment to calm your emotions)
  • Discuss how if you say or do the things above, it can help you to be a winner in relationships.

Next week’s SEL focus: I AM A LIMITLESS

To find the full-size posters to use in your classroom (or the magnet or postcard size) visit our store.

Suggestion for virtual learning:

  • Purchase a pack of 30 postcards for the teacher to hold the appropriate one up to the screen during discussion.
  • Purchase a pack of 30 small hand-off notes for each student to have at home with them. This allows for an interactive and hands-on experience.