This is that last in our current series of free social-emotional learning discussion resources, but we will have a new series coming soon! We’re wrapping up 30 themed SEL resources to help you create discussion activities that foster a positive mindset centered on each of the five core competencies of social and emotional learning.

We provide the idea-starters with the intent that teachers can develop creative variations to adapt to age-appropriate use for their students. 

SEL Discussion Resource:  I AM GRATEFUL


Write or say the affirmation together: I am grateful.

  • Describe how being grateful makes you feel.
  • How do you think expressing your gratitude makes others feel?
  • “Popcorn” discussion: Have students pop up when they think of something for which they are grateful. Call on each, then have them pop up as they think of more. Keep going until everyone has popped up at least once.


  • Writing activity: List three things for which you’re grateful.
  • Discussion: How can we be grateful for something we don’t like? Example: homework. (Discuss how it benefits us, the purpose, etc.)

Responsible decision-making 

  • Finish the sentence: When I’m not feeling grateful, I can _________.
  • When you choose to be grateful, even when you aren’t feeling it, how does it change your mindset?

Social awareness

  • Write notes of appreciation to people who work in your school.
  • Leave a note of gratitude on the whiteboard for the custodian.
  • Create a gratitude video to share with someone in your school. (Your social media manager might be interested in posting the video, and you could create different ones each week.)

Relationship skills

  • Write a paragraph about why being grateful is important.
  • Describe how feeling appreciated helps you to feel more valued.


To find the full-size posters to use in your classroom (or the magnet or postcard size) visit our store.

Suggestion for virtual learning:

  • Purchase a pack of 30 postcards for the teacher to hold the appropriate one up to the screen during discussion.
  • Purchase a pack of 30 small hand-off notes for each student to have at home with them. This allows for an interactive and hands-on experience.