In this project, students can learn from one another. They just scan the QR code for instant access to resources and a positive message from their peers.
Positive Affirmations as Visual, Empowering Reminders — Kristina Holzweiss
Ambassador: Kristina Holzweiss
It may seem like such a simple idea, but these positive affirmations were the perfect posters for my library. Sometimes we will never realize how much a kind word or a smile can impact a student’s life. We might not know about a family situation or what is going on in a child’s mind. A daily affirmation of “you matter” could be the reason why a student puts more effort into a class than another. And this could eventually mean the difference between graduating or not.
Decorating the empty spaces above the library bookstacks with Inspired Minds affirmation posters was twofold. First, they inspired my students to believe in themselves and to think positively about the learning process. Second, these posters served as a reminder to me as I was teaching to always accentuate the positives. And, honestly, sometimes I needed to be reminded about my own strengths.
A smile impacts a life!
Kristina was named the School Library Journal Librarian of the Year in 2015, a National School Board 2016 – 2017 “20 to Watch” emerging education technology leader, and a 2018 Library Journal Mover & Shaker.
She is also the winner of the 2015 NYSCATE Lee Bryant Outstanding Teacher Award and 2015 Long Island Technology Summit Fred Podolski Leadership and Innovation Award. In 2015 she founded SLIME – Students of Long Island Maker Expo (
In 2016 she was invited to represent Long Island, NY in Washington, D.C. during the National Week of Making. Kristina is an international speaker on the libraries and the maker movement and has presented at conferences including ISTE, AASL, ALA, and NYSCATE.
She is the Long Island Director for NYSCATE. Kristina is the co-author of Hacking School Libraries and is the author of two series of makerspace books published by Scholastic.
Other Posts from Kristina:
Interactive Social-Emotional Learning Walk with Inspired Minds Posters and Wakelet — Kristina Holzweiss
Positive Affirmations as Visual, Empowering Reminders — Kristina Holzweiss
From Kristina Holzweiss: Sometimes we will never realize how much a kind word or a smile can impact a student’s life.
Add a Scratch-off Sticker to a Postcard for Fun — Kristina Holzweiss
From Kristina Holzweiss: A fun and simple way to make an encouraging postcard even more meaningful. Stick on scratch-offs and a QR code. A fabulous way to encourage students with a note they can scratch off and discover.